A Bit of Back Story

I grew up in Washington state, in a very normal suburb town where everyone walked a straight line. I realized pretty early that this future wasn’t for an unruly weird girl like me who couldn’t ignore her extreme appetite to stretch her branches and break some molds.

I was born with my heart set on artistic self-expression. I floundered through all sorts of artistic mediums, trying to make each of them work for me. One day, as an early teenager, only 14 years old, I discovered metalworking. It was in a high school jewelry class where it seemed I had finally unearthed a way to manifest my ideas into a tangible and wearable art form. Motivated by my incredibly supportive jewelry teacher Wendy Woldenberg, I was not to be discouraged by society’s idea that art could never mean happiness and success. So I refocused my life plan and set my whole heart into metal art. I moved to San Francisco and earned my bench jeweler certificate from Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts in 2007. Revere helped me dial in my techniques and take my work a little more seriously. Shortly after graduating, I mustered up enough courage to keep my dream alive and launched my own handmade business that I have been running ever since. As a one-woman-show, I gained an incredible amount of artistic momentum over the years; so much, that I can still hardly keep up with myself.

Thank you for visiting my website and taking the time to get to know me and my work. Jewelry has been a truly special part of my life, and I hope to make something for you to love someday.

Cabrina Channing

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